Saturday, 30 July 2011

Ink on the calf

My Compass to show me the directions of my life.
Done by my good buddy Delvis aka Tofu who did a really great job.
Thanks buddy. Hopefully this brings a new and better direction in life for me.

Congrats to the newly weds~!

They will be greatly blessed in the journey together.
For Mr & Mrs Mok

Triumph and Norton the 1950-60s

What can i say .... Beeeauutiful rides.

Trip to Mersing

Billiant Sunday afternoon.
Cornering the windy roads , riding up and the slopes.

Friday, 15 July 2011

To Gary !

UPDATED !! F U !!!


1st Air Brush project. Beach Cruiser

First Victim down the lair.

Lab test Rat

Hands on C70 - Prep for Xhibit Nixon

My honored assistance for Rockomp on the Honda C70 project.
The "Strippers" role.

Down at the Chopshop.

Air Brush Kit in Da House !

Project Hobby.
Gonna pick up this new hobby or skill hopefully if i can manage to come up with some standards.
Exclusive Helmets etc etc .!! hell Yeah WOO HOO !!

Wish us luck .!

Boys at Rockomp

40 Syed Alwi Road.
Drop by and chill with us.

Chez ride got slammed right down

Slammed and perhaps a few punches to his kidney after some potholes.

Poor Derek had to face Banana the whole day.
Good luck Chez.


Cheap ass exhaust heat wrap. Bad choice.

Just not this way ....

My Ace just got Lucky to Lose

Up on the ramp to remove the damn nail that took out my rear wheel.

Then all she needed was her new lucky talisman. BAM!!